Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Karen's Come Back!

As most of you know; Karen Klein is the woman in that dreadful school bus bully video that went viral last month. For those who missed the video and/or the post, here is a link. As a brief summery; Karen was bullied by some students and someone recorded it. The video for whatever reason, was posted and by happenstance was viewed by Max Sidorov who took it upon himself to start a fund for Karen who needed to take some time away from work. He set up a site, and asked for vacation money for Karen. The goal was $5,000 but with the help and generosity of 32,000 strangers, Karens ending amount was $703,873. If that doesn't amaze you then maybe this will.

Pictured above is Karen Klein.

Karen accepted that money and retired, then she  did something amazing back...she used $100,000 to start up an Anti-Bullying Foundation! Plus she has her hand in so many other cookie jars! A concert to promote anti-bullying, wanting to provide a fund for children who are bullied, going into media asset to help from other directions, etc! Here is her page at give back.

 Even the worst of things in life can have happy endings, Karen, Max, and everyone who donated are proof of that! I have often heard that attitudes are contagious, so answer me this, is yours worth catching? Doing one kind thing can have a tremendous impact on another person's day. Think about it.

Thank You,

1 comment:

Rachel said...

"I have often heard that attitudes are contagious, so answer me this, is yours worth catching?"

What a great line! Definitely something worth thinking about, great job Haleigh.