Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hoglund's 13 in 2013 Program!

     Starting this month Hoglund Transportation is holding a program for its employees!  This program is focused on 13 areas that an average adult can improve on.  As well as providing the employees with gym passes, this event also gives every participating member (13 in '13 is not mandatory but it's recommended strongly) a pedometer, water bottle, and a 13 in '13 journal! This journal provides you with all 13 improvement methods, and allows room to keep track of your progress. Before I go too far, here are the 13 improvements:
  • Going to the gym and finding new ways to physically challenge and improve your body.
  • Drinking enough water.
  • Eating the right amount of fruit.
  • Making sure you are getting enough sleep each night.
  • Finding a way to challenge your mind.
  • Eating the correct amount of veggies.
  • Working on stress management.
  • Keeping a positive attitude.
  • Contributing to the community.
  • Making sure that you are not a couch potato.
  • Using daily affirmations
  • Planning your meals in a healthy way.

         Now for the nitty-gritty, during this first week we have used the gym time to help new gym goers figure everything out. For the first two day the employees where introduced to the machines and could randomly hop from machine to machine. The third day we broke any employees who wanted to into groups and did a set work out plan focused on lower body strengthening. The fourth day we broke into groups as well and focused on upper body. Today we are going to do a tabata.

     For those who do not know what Tabata is, I will explain it here. Tabata is where you pick 6,8,10,or 12 different exercises, and do them in 20 second intervals with 10 second breaks. You do 8 intervals of each exercise you choose. This is a super fun way to work out because the Tabata music always has a quick beat and fun music (music can be bought online or through itunes). Starting next Thursday, there will be a Tabata class led by one of our staff members every week.

     Improving yourself is something all of us can work towards! It isn't hard to increase the amount of water you drink by one cup, or snack on an apple on your way to work. The goal of 13 in 2013 isn't to have everyone lose an extreme amount of weight because that's not realistic. The goal is for the employee to notice change, and know they're able to accomplish their goal with a little determination, effort and support.

Check out our Facebook page for update on work outs, what charity we are donating to this month, and healthy recipes and meal planning tips!

Thank You,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Man Wrested off a Loaded School Bus!

In Palestine Texas a man attempted to hijack a school bus that had approximately 14 students on board. The man is said to have been fleeing from a fight he started in a near by apartment complex. The man is thought to be 30 years old and fled onto the bus while the driver was in the isle assisting a student.

The driver immediately removed the man from his bus with the help of two by-standers. One of which was the apartment complex manager and the second was an off-duty corrections officer. Both of the men rushed to the bus drivers aid and together the men were able to remove the man from the school bus and restrain him until the police arrived.

Lucky for us none of the children were hurt and the bus driver is also reported as being uninjured.

To read the full story click here!

Thank You,

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Simply an Astounding Generousity

In Portland, Oregon school bus drivers are delivering Christmas presents and cheer to families in need. Starting a few years back a group of drivers wanted to do something for the less fortunate families in the district and they can up with this amazingly generous plan. First they have the families and young mothers place theirs and their child's need on a "giving tree". Then each driver adopted families and underage mothers. The mothers all got a hat and scarf or mittens while the children got warm clothes or a toy. For families the drivers supplied 3 presents per child. Simply astounding.

To watch a short clip on it click here.

In total the drivers have adopted over 200 children! That is a life changing event for those children and families in need. As a parent I couldn't even begin to express my gratitude for someone who made Christmas a possibility for my children. Some people are willing to go above and beyond for others and that is what we strive for here at Hoglund Transportation. Compliance is an obligation; Excellence is a choice.

Happy Holidays and Safe Driving to all!
To read more click here!

Thank You,