Friday, October 28, 2011

Costumes and Candy!

Houglund Transportation would like to wish everyone a Happy (if not haunted) Halloween!!

Here are some safety tips for that night and the days of sugary goodness that follow!

  • Children should always go out trick-or-treating accompanied by a responsible adult.

  • Some towns set a curfew for trick-or-treating which makes it easier for people to know when they can expect no more visitors.

  • Plan a safe route so parents know where their older kids will be at all times. Set a time for their return home. Make sure that they have a cell phone.

  • Instruct your children not to eat any treats until they bring them home to be examined by you. This way you can check for any problem candy and get the pick of the best stuff!

  • Instruct your child to never go into the home of a stranger or get into their car.

  • Make sure your child carries a flashlight, glow stick or has reflective tape on their costume to make them more visible to cars.

  • Let them know that they should stay together as a group if going out to Trick-or-Treating without an adult.

Also this is a reminder to not eat or hand out candy on the school bus. It can be dangerous and distracting! We look forward to seeing everyone in costumes this Monday! If you are interested in more Halloween safety tips or facts, click on the title and follow the link.

Thank You,

Monday, October 24, 2011

All In A Days Work!

In Angole, New York, Lori saved the lives of students just by being aware.

At a routine drop-off, she stopped, checked her surroundings, and after making sure it was safe she opened her door to let the students off. Just before the students left the bus, Lori noticed an oncoming vehicle and pulled her door closed. When the doors shut, an out of control vehicle skidded sideways in front of the door and across three lawns.

Parents who witnessed it were able to give the police a description of the car and a partial license plate. No news on weather or not the vehicle has been located as of yet.

Lori was presented with a certificate for her actions as well as flowers. She later said,
"It was all in a day's work, and I am glad I could be of service."

Well Lori, it was a good call and I'm very impressed! Such a good example on how important it is to always be aware of your surroundings. If you want to learn more about it, click the link connected to the title.

Thank You,

Friday, October 14, 2011

National Walk to School Day!

The above picture shows Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Walking to School.

National Walk to School Day was held on October 5Th this year and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez Joined students on their walks!

This event has a completely positive effect on not only the students but also on the environment! For the students, it helps wake up their minds and prepare them for the school day, while giving them a way to be active and healthy. For the environment, it cuts back on general emissions and traffic congestion.

Did you know that walking and/or biking to school is second place (right behind riding the big yellow bus) in safest way to get to or from school? It is kind of surprising to think of it that way since so many kids either drive themselves or are dropped off by a parent. All those extra vehicles, leads to traffic and people rushing to get to school on time thus creating more opportunities for accident to happen.

School buses are by far the safest way for students to go to school, but when the next National Walk to School Day rolls around...I hope to see many more people on the sidewalk!

Thank You,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hoglund's Heros Issue 1!!!!

This is a copy of the very first issue of Hoglund's Heros!!!

Hoglund's Heros is a weekly newsletter made by Rachel and it incorporates all things happening in and around Hoglund! There is a calendar section, an employee assignment section, rule of the week and weekly meetings! I know I am a little biased on this, but my favorite part is the exerpt about our blog!

Unfortunately we will only be posting these little pictures of the issues and you will not be able to read the whole thing. The good news is that I will be pulling out the highlights for you!

For this weeks meeting we discussed our idling policy, discipline, pre-trips, our communication forms and how they work, and our time and mileage reports! Not a bad way to kick off our first meeting of the year!

Thank You,

Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Kjellberg West Stop!!

To all families who reside within Kjellbergs West: we have changed the bus stop. The new stop is located on the driveway to the east of the office. All students are required to be at the bus stop before the bus arrives! Bikes are to be left against the fence, and parents need to park a safe distance away.

In the transportation industry it is irresponsible to place a stop in the same place just because it has been there for years. New factors can arise at the bus stop, making it unsafe or unreasonable to leave it where it was. Seeing as there have been multiple incidents at the old stop, and adding in other factors, the change was the best choice we could make for everyone.

During drop-off in the afternoon all student are required to stay at the bus stop until the bus has left. That means not going to the bikes, or a parent's car until the bus has left the street. This is all for the child's safety.

The above diagram shows the Kjellbergs stop, which is marked with a red X. At the stop there are yellow lines painted on the road, marking where students are expected to wait for the bus.

Thank You,

Friday, October 7, 2011

Crashes on the decline?

From California and Oregon all the way over to Ohio, school bus accidents are decreasing!

In California we are seeing a 10% decrease in crashes, going from 2,091 to 1,878 school bus crashes. Only five of the crashes resulted in fatalities, none of which were passengers on board the buses. In the same year, school bus activity increased by 5%. Isn't it just amazing how the bus accidents go down as their activity goes up?!

In Oregon, Salem-Keizer’s transportation has reduced their accidents by an overwhelming 25%! This is accredited to their convincing the school to change bell times. All so that the bus while not be involed with as much day to day traffic as it was before.

In Ohio there was also a 25% drop in accidents! They attribute this drop to having better driver training and management practices. Their state director mentions them having summer training indepth perception as a main goal to improve upon for future years!

I would like to congratulate all three states in successfully decreasing their accidents and making school buses even safer!

Thank You,