Friday, September 30, 2011

Man Saves Bus Driver!

On September 15, 2011 one man's good nature saved another man's life. That man is Matt Collins and he noticed a bus that appeared driver less rolling through an intersection.

After approaching the bus and opening the door, he found the driver was slumped over in his seat with two special-needs students on board. The driver did not have a pulse so Matt engaged the parking brakes and, with another bystander, removed the driver from the bus to begin CPR.

The police arrived quickly after receiving a 911 call and were able to restart the 65-year-old man's heart beat. Paramedics arrived to take the driver to the hospital while another driver finished the route. A relative reports that the driver is recovering at the hospital.

What Matt so selflessly did resulted in saving a man's life and quite possible the lifes of the two special-needs students onboard.

Thank You,

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