Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Joy Ride lands Boy Back in Jail

Pictured above is Jonathan Cole Collins

      Jonathan Collins, 18-years-old, had just been released from jail when he found himself without a ride. He had been charged with a misdemeanor marijuana charge and had only served 4 days of jail time. Upon his release he began the walk home which was roughly 9.5 miles in the chilly winter weather. Since he wanted to avoid being cold he decided it would be a good idea to "borrow" a Catoosa County school bus from a near by high school.
     Collins located the school buses key, which was meant for the substitute driver, and boarded and started the school bus. Luckily the school bus was equipped with a security camera that was automatically activated when the buses engine was cranked. Collins drove for bus for approximately 20 minutes before discarding it and finishing his trek home on foot, so as to make his arrival look less suspicious.
      When the bus was located the next morning the county was excited to see that no one was injured and the bus was not damaged either. They were able to identify Collins from the video feed and when they confronted him later that day he admitted to the theft. . "He said, 'I just didn't want to walk anymore and decided to drive the bus,'" Fort Oglethorpe Detective James Leamon told WRCB. Collins now faces a $1,000 dollar fine or up to a year in jail.

To read the complete story click here.

Thank You,