Monday, April 1, 2013

A Good Deed, One Big Mistake

A few weeks ago in California a teacher offered a ride to a wheelchair-bound woman and her male companion. As it turns out the woman was the mother of one of the children who happened to be on the field trip. The field trip was from East Side Union High School and was headed to a college, the purpose for this field trip was not stated. The woman and her companion did not ride to the college on the school bus but were left with out a ride for the way back, which is why they asked a teacher to let them return to the high school on the school bus.

In our company letting an unconfirmed and/or an unknown person on board a school bus is a severe breech in policy. What I find to be truly unacceptable is that the male companion is a convicted sex offender and yet he was allowed to accompany the field trip! I would personally be in an outrage if anything like this ever happened when I was in school or if my child had been involved. It is reported that the two sat in the front of the bus away from any of the students and that no crime was committed but that is still an uneasy situation to be in.

This teacher was only trying to be helpful and ended up putting a lot of children in a dangerous situation. Please use more caution when trying to help and be aware that it could back fire.

If you want to read the full story click here.

Thank You,

1 comment:

sbromberg said...