Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to School!!

Alright all you drivers, it's that time of year again. Time to pay even closer attention to the roads and start spotting those big, bright yellow school buses! I know they are hard to miss, but you are also looking out for all the thousands of children that are going to be riding around on them.

The beginning of school is one of the busiest times for our company, mainly because there is always so much to do! About a month before school actually starts is when we start all the big projects like: making routes, putting together all the kindergarten packets, and double checking that all of our buses and drivers are ready to go!

During the first to second week of school, some of the bus drivers will learn two or even three variations of the same route to make it quicker, easier, or just because a student stop has changed. So many things impact a route and we ask that if you, or your child's route does get changed that you or your child will help us make sure that route runs smoothly.

Summer is over in Monticello, school is about to begin, and the Hoglund Transportation buses and staff are ready to take you there!

Thank You,
Hoglund Transportation.

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